Reykjadalur hot springs

Reykjadalur is one of Iceland’s truly magical sights. Imagine a river whose waters are naturally heated allowing you to bathe all year round. Add in a gorgeous walk up a valley—and the chance to see the northern lights in winter—and you have an unforgettable destination. Explore our tours below to discover the best way to visit Reykjadalur.

Reykjadalur translates as “steam valley”. When you visit, it’ll become pretty obvious why it took that name.

The valley of Reykjadalur is home to a river whose waters are warm all year round. Even in the winter, when snow is lying on the ground in the valley, you can take a dip in the river’s waters. You should try it. It’s a completely magical experience.

The river’s waters are at a minimum temperature of about 15°C (59°F), but they can get a lot warmer than this. One particular pool reaches about 30°C (86°F), making it the perfect temperature to unwind.

Don’t miss Reykjadalur if you’re in the area. It’s one of the most remarkable sights on the south coast of Iceland.

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